Jul 22, 2010


We are loving the scooters. They're easy to ride and the boys look ultra cool. And they ride silently, no loud rolling sounds. I see skateboards in their future. I sort of have a soft spot in my heart for skateboard kids since they remind me so much of my small years during the 70s in Southern Calififornia and all the big kids in their OP pants and groovy feathered hair riding the streets. (If you haven't seen the documentary Dogtown and Z-Boys, get it -- the doc, not the movie based on the doc.) I wanted a big bad skateboard like my brothers but my parents got me this sick girly one (thanks guys!). But the skate kids scare me a little too since the ones around here, although adorable and fascinating, look like trouble (as if I was such a wholesome brat!). I'm a sucker for grace and moving the body as art. Guess it's rubbed off on the boys . . . they love to get funky.


Christina said...

Loving the funk. SO loving the funk.

Meg said...

very funky!

cara-blog said...

good information, thanks and visit back to Download Ebook Gratis :)

Unknown said...

i am month away from bringin my little boy home from ET- he is 2, but wanted to commend you on your boys beautiful hair and your family's famring ways...i so need to pick your brain, as we lok for a few acres in SC

Unknown said...

opps i meant months..not a month- i wish~~!