Apr 23, 2007

Milestones and Development: History and 10 Month Update

When we picked up the triplets at 5 months old, the boys were about 10 lbs each, had little head control, and only Tsega could bear weight on his legs. They were evaluated by a team of development specialists and were diagnosed as delayed in gross motor skills (but otherwise healthy--in fact we've only had one cold since homecoming--with good social skills). No big surprise since they had been in care since 6 weeks old and lacked stimulation and exercise.

Like many of the babies adopted out of Ethiopia, none of the boys were on US growth charts at homecoming. Tsega grew (and grew) almost overnight while his brothers remain small but growing steadily. Tsega is currently 22 lbs, that's 70th percentile for weight! Bereket and Sira are now 15th percentile for height and 18 lbs, below 3rd percentile; no surprise since they still easily wear 6 month clothing. I guess they're just little shorties :). I'm imagining Tsega as this huge figure in our house, with his arms around his shorty papa and shorty brothers and everybody in public asking if B & S are twins (these are triplets, Tsega is their triplet brother. . . really he is! And for the umpteenth time, we are also glad it's us and not you). . .

Because Tsega had such rippling muscles, lol, had good head control and could stand with assistance so well, nobody seemed concerned with him. So we worked with Bereket and Sira to get their muscles pumped and bodies moving. It worked, they caught up fast.

Then Tsega caused worry. He hated tummy time so we spared him much of this. His mobile brothers were roaming circles around planted Tsega. At 8 months he could not roll over, get into sitting position, nothing. He just sat there (after we would sit him up and prop him back up again and again after his numerous head-crashing falls). I think he suffered from "sudden-big-baby-syndrome"; he didn't have time to adapt to his new big body. Or maybe he was concentrating on his charm (he's our crowd pleaser).

Despite the protests we put him on tummy more and more. From sitting he started flopping to his belly without the grace of his fluid brothers. Then he bridged. Still protested. Now I was constantly helping him out of positions he had maneuvered himself into. Then he rolled belly to back and despite all his tummy torture time, rolled from back to belly. Now he is almost caught up to his brothers without the months of preliminary practice and exercise that got them crawling and standing. He can now get into a sitting position, rolls both ways, crawls backward (forward is on the horizon), lunges, thrusts, and pivots around the room, and just started pulling up and getting into a standing position. All this in about 6 weeks!

Bereket and Sira can do all this and crawl. As it has always been, Bereket first masters a skill, then follows Sira about a day later (ahhh, the power of genetics!). Tsega has his own method and time schedule. Bereket crawls around the house and grabs onto everything (bouncy chair and my leg are favorites) and pulls to standing all day long. It's so funny to see hear him slapping the ground with his hands as he comes towards me from the living room to the kitchen and I look down and see this little baby climbing up my pant leg. Sira and Bereket look like little vampires descending upon Tsega as I'm trying to bounce him to sleep in the bouncy chair (bouncing the heck out of him in this chair works like a charm for soothing this baby to sleep, BTW). I find myself leaping from floor to couch so the three can't pull and claw me into abyss!

Short story long. . . the boys are doing great and no more worries about being behind, including Tsega-mega.

Next stop, walking and talking. Oh, sigh, but the baby stage is short and I will miss it dearly :(

BTW, Bereket & Sira each have two bottom teeth, no real hair; and Tsega has no teeth but nice curly hair :)


Tiny's Mom said...

I can't believe how big the triplets are getting-they are absolutely adorable!

Melanie said...

Yea an update!!! They are too cute!

Tarah said...

I love the rainbow baby legs!!! OH, too cute! I can't believe how awesome the boys are doing! So, you know that with Tezeta loving her baby legs, she might need to have dibs on one of your handsomes! She has good taste, and she has a smile to melt the heart!!! Lots of love!

Mama Papaya said...

Go boys! Your handsome boys sound like they are doing amazing. So do you think Tsega is trying to equal the size of his brothers combined?

Bek said...

What a great update. Your boys are one month older than my daughter (who is still pretty tiny....) and she CAN sit up, but doesn't like to, no interest in crawling, etc. She just lays on the floor and looks around. I have talked to the dr's and had her evaluated and they aren't worried about her being behind...she is just mellow....

I love Tsega-mega. That is cute. I think that it must have ben strange to have a big body like that suddenly. Two of my nephews did the same thing, they were 22 lbs by 6 months and suddently couldn't deal with their belly...

They are adorable. I also love the baby rainbow legs... Where did you get those? They would be great tights for girls (and easy to change diapers in...)

lara said...

Your boys are just gorgeous , i love the stripey leggings too.

dawn said...

Those are yummy babies!

And...wow. You have triplet infants and manage to update a blog.

*bows down in respect*

dawn (mom to Dawit)


Jenn said...

they are adorable in their chubbiness! you are a great mom.

Blondie said...

Love the update AND the pics!!! You are so lucky to have such healthy babes - you will see them improve in leaps and bounds the more mobile they get.

:) blondie

Blondie said...
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Mark and Sarah said...


I LOVE your blog. You are such a wonderful mom and your boys progress is testimony to that. It's so cool to hear about how you work with them on different mobilizing techniques and they are able to catch on. I just got my referral on Friday and our baby boy is 5 months old, so I'm taking notes on how to be a great mama from you!

Giannis Messinis said...

God!!! Your blog is the most beautiful I ever seen in the internet...
My name is Giannis and I am greek..I live in Athens...I love african people and african kids...
Your boys are so sweet...so cute...so handsome...
You are so lucky to have them...But they are so lucky too to have you...You gave them more than most children have in the world...
You gave them a lot love and caring...a wonderfull place to live...and a fantastic home...
I see and see again their photos...All of them are full of love...
They have everything want a child...Everything...
I would like to be a friend of you and see them older and older....
They are all so sweet...Sira is my sweetest, but Bereket is so so perfect too...and Tsega so lovely....
You are THE parents!!!!!!
I wish you are well anytime...I wish you are happy...
Have a very very Nice New Year....
Many kisses and hugs to your special triplets....