Nov 6, 2007

Goofin' Off

Here's a brief synopsis of the triplets' silly nonsense from the last two weeks. Their senses of humor are really taking off along with their trouble makings. This first picture was taken just after I rescued Bereket from being smothered to death by brother Sira (pictured) who decided to squeeze into the cabinet on top of Bereket.
No time to take a picture of the human pretzel, but it's a good thing I didn't totally ignore the muffled crying I heard from the other room. Seriously, I had trouble detangling these guys and Tsega didn't help as he tried to climb in while I was trying to pull them out. It's like musical babies around here (you should see me getting the boys out from a closet or room they shouldn't be in. . . get one baby out from behind the door, the other waddles back in, get him out, the first waddles back in while the third is trying to shut the door on everybody and the second waddles back in and so on and so on. . . )

Our house is baby-proofed to the max, except for this one item which relies only on a weak barrier of discipline. A thin glass bookshelf door that may break upon impact, especially when baby uses an object to bang on said door. Sira, don't bang the glass (don't even think about it). Daily they approach the door with a glance back to make sure we're watching; up goes the hand ever so slowly as if testing the temperature of the glass, then out comes a huge smile and bang bang bang (Sira, Tsega, Bereket, NO NO NO!).

Tsega, no! Sira, not funny, stop it!

Et tu, Bereket?

Peek-a-boo. . .

Happy face (just wanted to prove that Tsega's usually serious face posted on this blog is not the real him). . .

Goofy face. . .

Poopy face. . .

Dirty face. . .

Rag face?

Bereket thought he was hilarious with a rag over his head. Can you believe the boys started fighting over the rag so that I had to give each baby his own rag to wear?!

Sassy, satisfied, and smokin' (the pancakes, that is). . .

Bruised face :(

The clinginess from the trip is subsiding as are Tsega's toddler flare ups (for now). We're not quite back to schedule, but nearly. As boring and inflexible as it sounds, a schedule makes baby happy and sleep well. It's not that they know what time it is, but they know what order we do things and how dark it is outside when we do them (and only naps, feedings, and bed times are scheduled, of course). We also just switched to one nap a day and bed time seems to get earlier and earlier, especially after the time change (I think it was 7:30 last night). I was lucky to get two two-hour-a-day naps for as long as I did. But perhaps the biggest news of the last two weeks. . . drum roll. . . (NO, we're not pregnant or adopting). . . the boys are sleeping in THEIR nursery in THEIR cribs all TOGETHER at night for the first time! It's great to hear them chirping and laughing together across the house in the mornings (while Tsega sleeps through it all) and to be able to get up and walk across the house without a baby seeing us and demanding to be picked up and fed. Freedom :).

One last thing, this doesn't fit here, but thought I'd squeeze in this tidbit for my own fun. We noticed recently that the boys look up at airplanes in the sky and point. Even tiny tiny far-off ones. At least this indicates to me decent vision and hearing. Things not to sneeze at. And Bereket's scratches on his face from the fall above are nearly healed. That's all I got today. :)


Jenny and Matt said...

Holy cow! Those are some seriously cute babies you've got there! Congratulations!

Heather said...

It is so great when they start to sleep in their own room. I love the nights that Jacob M doesn't move into my bed! I don't mind the snuggles in the morning though.
