Mar 18, 2010


Shhh, notice the cake? Mama, that'd be me, turned 40 last week. As Jerry would say, I don't look a day over 39.

I hate it. I feel it. I hurt.

Cute part is, the boys were too jealous to let me have a birthday all to myself, so I shared mine, which makes it a good thing they're triplets come actual birthdays in June. There are always enough beats to the Birthday song to accommodate everyone: Happy Birthday dear Mama, Tsega, Bereket, and Seeeeera . . .

Hey, don't be all like, man she's old! You are getting older just as fast as me.

Relax. Yes, my hand is where you think it might be, but my mom took the picture in front of children so it can't be that R-rated. ;)

This is something I do when I see a camera pointing at me. I angle my head so that I have this sort of angelic quality and not so much the used up 40 around the eyes thing.

Yeah, I'm one of those old new moms and that's OK. :)


Christina said...

Happy Birthday Cindy!

Julie said...

Old new moms rule. Happy Birthday. Let the crotch grabbing continue.

The Lost Planetista said...

Happy Birthday! I love the R rated picture BTW! Too funny! :)

Tarah said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Great pics. :)

Ruth said...

Happy Birthday! My hubby turned 40 in January when our son was not even 1 month old so I guess we're also in the old new moms and dads category. :-)

Sarah @ Cozy.Cottage.Cute. said...

Your boys' expressions in the photos are just priceless. New old moms are the in thing nowadays. So I've heard. :)

paige said...

Melkam Lidet, ONM!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday! (from an older mom of multiples)

RossVix said...

Hey, happy Birthday!

As a 42 year old mommy of 2-year old twins, I would like to cheer on we ol' lady moms of multiples! :0)


Mama Papaya said...

4-0 and 0-4 (0-4 and 0-4) all in the same year. That is hell of a lot of fours. Enjoy 'em. Happy belated birthday!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday chica.

Unknown said...
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April said...

Me too. Happy Birthday from one old new mama to another!