Jun 27, 2007

The Big One

The trips turned THE BIG ONE last Saturday on June 23rd. This day also marks seven months since we first met the boys. Happy Birthday Tsega, Bereket, Sira!

The boys went wild with new toys and after a few we had to stop; even I was getting overstimulated. Don't ever ask Jerry to lead Happy Birthday, he's a grinch. Guess first birthdays are more for the parents (or for the mom in this case).

So big and walking; Tsega pushes his brothers in their "new" hand-me-down car. I hope Jerry likes the horn because it squeaks all day long. . .

Ahhhh, it was only yesterday that these three came home so tiny and helpless. They could do nothing more than lay in our arms and our faces were their whole world. Seven months have flown . . .

Look how little they were at 6 weeks old just after they were relinquished (Tsega is on the far left and that's Bereket bawling).

Now look how big (what's Bereket complaining about?). . .

Tsega looks more toddlerish in his old age than his bros. Watch him do his usual rough-housing in this short video (then watch him rise and sit back with a stare of satisfaction). Luckily Bereket has a good sense of humor that day.

We love you boys, happy big one and happy 7 month anniversary. Please stop growing up so fast (and stop bawling about everything lately, it only gets worse, lol!).


lara said...

wow they have grown so big, and are still so cute love the pictures and the video.

cathy said...

So sweet. I'm glad they had a good bday. Don't fret over the language. It'll come. You rock!

Jenn said...

happy birthday little guys!!

Single PAP said...

your boys are so adorable! i was so happy to see more pictures. i am in the thinking stage of adoption still... feel free to check out my blog: mommyin2008.blogspot.com