Nov 20, 2007

The Unfinished Bedroom

If you have 90 seconds to kill watch this rather uneventful, albeit cute, video (scroll down, I got to writing. . . ). Our bedroom is totally NOT child proof and normally the boys are not in there unless sleeping in secured cribs or bouncing on the bed. Last night while I was enjoying a few minutes of escape in blissful solitude, the boys started calling for mama. So I thought I'd let the United Ethiopian Sibling Front (UESF) in to bob and poke around while I take some random video. But first a word about our bedroom. . . I feel the need to remind readers of all the hard work Jerry and I have poured into our old house; all the sacrifice and sweat. At one point our adoption hinged on this house; we had to work like dogs to get enough work complete to pass a homestudy. This has not been a measly makeover or remodeling job; it's been more of a demolition and rebirth at the mercy of our four lonely hands. Our bedroom was the first room we finished about 5 years ago and hidden back there lies the most mistakes, although it remains officially unfinished and already needs fresh paint. So squint your eyes and avoid the messy details :).

Oh, BTW, can I just cry a little over "falling back"? Sira never did accept the new time change and now wants to go to bed at 7:00 and wake up the whole house promptly at 5:30. We are tweaking nap and bed times in the hopes of synchronizing his internal clock with Tsega's, Bereket's, and the new time, so schedule-smedule, it's out the door during the make over.

One last super cute tidbit. The other day I watched Bereket pretend to pick food from my boot and eat it (really, he was pretending, there is not so much as lent to eat from my boots so quit laughing) and then pretended to feed me. Then last weekend he and Tsega were sitting in the choo choo wagon and both started to giggle as they scarfed down pretend food from the same cup holder. Totally cute!

Now the video (from my digital camera--I still haven't learned how to use our movie camera--sorry bro!). . .


Mamato2 said...

I had to watch with the sound off (baby sleeping)but could only imagine what was being abbled as they explored! :) I had a mini-heart attack when Tsega dropped the lamp!

LISA said...
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LISA said...

You definetly have your hands full! How fun!

Kerry said...

Oh my gosh they are soooo cute!!!Its been so long since I have been able to visit your blog. I just love seeing them walking around.
Your such a good mommy!!!!!

Cindy said...

Malia's mama- the boys were quiet, it's ME you missed babbling :o).

Soltana said...

How cute are they!! All I could do is laugh when the lamp fell... I know..not funny..

But oh so cute seeing those cutie pies running around :)