Aug 6, 2007

The Three Little Sickies

While everybody came home from Ethiopia with bad colds and some bronchitis, we've been healthy since. Except for now. The triplets have their first American-caught cold (actually that's not true--Tsega caught a cold a couple of months after homecoming). That's what happens when you expose your kids to every bad germ in your own home in the hopes of slowly building their immune systems--like binkies off the floor caked with days-old dried saliva--and then you get them together in a foreign place like Minnesota and surround them with little kids and strange hotel floors. Now the snot is over-flowing (mama and papa remain healthy so far).

Bereket sleeps it off.

Sira feeds his cold. Poor guy, somebody wipe his nose and chin (look at the ooze coming from his nose. . . and that's milk on the chin, not snot). I know, he's usually much cuter and not so fussy.

Tsega plays it off.

They're doing better and the mucus is drying up. Poor babies.


Sprout's House said...

Oh goodness, I hope they feel better. Poor guys. OMG, ad the snot coming from poor Sira's nose!! Poor kiddo. Yucky! and a bit funny and cute in a sad way. Poor sicko kddies. I hope you and Jerry don't catch the bug! Take care.

Mamato2 said...

Ahhhh, poor babies. Tsega looks too tough to let it get him, though! :)

LISA said...

Cindy, let's just say I know how they feel! I just got over that crud.

Deirdre said...

Poor little guys! And poor you—you must be up to your eyeballs in baby snot. But there are worse things to drown in, right?

FrogMom said...

Boy, that stinks Cindy. I hope that they are still able to sleep and that everyone feels better soon! Helen Tsehai and I caught minor colds too on our return, but nothing too bad.

Amy said...

I say they are still cute even if they are all sickies. Hope they feel better soon!